3C Farm Horsemanship School
3783 E. Foster-Maineville Rd
Morrow, OH 45152
We start beginners and finish winners!
3C Farm Awards Banquet
Annual Awards Banquet

Each year, 3-C Farm hosts it's annual awards banquet.  During the previous year, students earn points for horsemanship and riding, cleaning tack, grooming, being a teacher's aid, home chores, athleticism, and practicing their faith.  Based on points accumulated in each of these categories, awards are given at the banquet.  All students receive awards!

The Awards Banquet will be held at 3C Farm on Friday, April 4, 2025 at 6:00pm.  There will be a potluck dinner this year.  Dress will be casual, and a sign up sheet will be posted in the barn a few weeks before the banquet.

Click on the following link to gain further information:  Awards Banquet, 

If you would like to help sponsor awards for our students, 
please click on the following link:

Business Sponsorship

STUDENTS......the following is a link to the point tracker sheet.  Feel free to download and print.  REMEMBER - only turn total points for entire year into Pam by December 31st!
Weekly Point Tracker
Age Group High Point All Around
3-C Farm Big Girl Award
3-C Farm Buckaroo Award
Most Improved, Most Outstanding
All Around Youth
All Around Adult
High Point Show Walk, Trot
High Point Show Walk, Trot, Canter
High Point Teacher's Aid
High Point Tack
High Point Grooming
High Point Bible
High Point Horsemanship
High Point Athlete
High Point Barn Maintenance
High Point Home Maintenance

Awards are given out annually to students, in the following categories:
2023 Awards Photos